• Writing


    Sometimes I forget the air at the beach stays salty even when the sun goes down. Even in the dark, I feel like getting sand stuck between my toes. It’s pitch black crossing the highway. No headlights or passing cars. No one felt like driving up the coast tonight, I guess. I can hear the crash of the waves from here, calling my name. They’ve missed me after a long time away, after jumping city lines for years trying to run far enough away from the memory of this place. The lights at the club blaze in the distance, but I can’t go there yet. I kick my shoes off…

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  • Music

    Spring Tunes to Keep Your Spirits High

    Things are absolutely wild right now. I’m not going to get into it, but I hope everyone is staying safe and staying home. In this strange time of social distancing, working from home, and general madness, I’ve found myself being shockingly productive. I’m not solving the world’s problems or going so far as Marie Kondo-ing my life, but I’ve gotten a lot done in the past eight days. Finished an almost-final-ish draft of my WIP, dove into my next WIP full speed, read four and a half books, worked a full work week, and cleaned half my room (which, if you know me, you know I really can only do…

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  • Writing

    What Taylor Swift Means to Me as a Writer

    January 31, 2020. Miss Americana premieres on Netflix. And I’m feeling a whole load of emotions about it. Think what you want about Taylor Swift. I know she can be a polarizing public figure, and most people have very strong opinions, love her or hate her. Despite a very brief period in time where I was tired of the drama that surrounded her (I know, it was brief like I said, and I am SORRY), I have been firmly a lover. She’s been an inspiration for me in a lot of ways, and I think to take what people have said about her and to continue to create art in…

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