• Writing

    Last Train to Nowhere

    She didn’t know how she got to the train station. There was a vague memory of walking in the foggy morning, between the dirt road and the train tracks, ticket in her hands. A train pulled in as the sun rose, but it wasn’t the right one. Not that she had any reason in thinking so, it just didn’t feel right to rush on it along with the men in suits holding briefcases. They weren’t going to wherever she needed to go. Another train came and went, more people getting on, some stepping off. Couples, more men in suits, families, solo travelers. Nobody noticed her standing on the platform in…

  • TV/Film

    Ode to TV Shows: The Haunting of Hill House

    You know it. I know it. My friend Emily knows it. One of the best shows I’ve ever seen is The Haunting of Hill House. Warning: spoilers ahead. So if you haven’t watched it yet, first off, what are you even doing, and second, go ahead and watch it. I’ll wait. Okay, ready now? Let’s go. The Fifteen Minute Test The first ep is cheating a little bit because Steve is the focus, but I think it does an excellent job in setting him up in relation to the house, as well as in relation to Nell (both as far as oldest and youngest siblings and for their connection to…

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