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    That’s that me, Depresso – Semi-Serious Reflections on the State of my Mental Health

    I could say a lot about my history with depression and anxiety. I HAVE said a lot about my history with depression and anxiety–they are inexplicably a part of me, after all. I used to analyze it all in depth, chronicling the recovery highs and lows, wondering if I was getting better at all. There was a time when I thought I was better, and I was so sure. I considered depression something I had, past-tense, and that, at that point in my life, I was just occasionally experiencing depressive episodes. Of course, I was naive (and a measly twenty-one), and I didn’t know all the tumultuous emotions I would…

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    Every Day is Groundhog Day in the 2020s

    Did you hear about the plane parts that fell from the sky in Colorado? Was anyone else’s first thought, “oh, no, this is Chicken Little in real life”? Did you think about Lost? I’ll tell you what, it certainly made me more certain that I’m no fan of flying. It’s cool, sure. I took a planes class in college—taught by the engineer behind the F-22 Raptor. It was a fun class. Planes and space and innovation are cool. The amount of testing those things go through to be prepared for flight is extensive. My professor used to constantly tell us how perfectly safe they are. Made us watch videos of…

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    Brb My Brain is in the Shitter

    TW: depression, anxiety, eating disorder I’ve been a little bit glossy about this, but I want to be straight up about things: I’ve been battling/struggling/surviving depression for about fifteen years now. Not properly diagnosed or anything, but um, I’m pretty freaking sure. I’m well aware that I’m not alone in this, especially right now. And while I’ve been reasonably creative during the Q, having written at 65K-word novel for NaNoWriMo, read 52 books, baked several new desserts, etc, that’s not to say that I haven’t been wildly and relatably ~not okay~. And it’s even harder during the holidays, when everything is supposed to be cheery and warm and happy. Quite…

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