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    Pan(dem)ic! at the Disco: Covid Summer 2.0 (an update on my headspace)

    Well, well, well, would you look at that, LA County. Reimplementing your mask mandate already? Almost like we shouldn’t have opened up our doors so widely so soon. Here we are, pandemic summer part 2. Not sure how long this go-around will last, but I don’t really mind locking down again. I know so many people who, even vaccinated, are still at risk, and I really like staying home with my TV and my streaming accounts. Especially if it’s going to do a little good for other people. It took me quite a bit of time for the magnitude of constant staying home to hit me. Not because I don’t…

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    Every Day is Groundhog Day in the 2020s

    Did you hear about the plane parts that fell from the sky in Colorado? Was anyone else’s first thought, “oh, no, this is Chicken Little in real life”? Did you think about Lost? I’ll tell you what, it certainly made me more certain that I’m no fan of flying. It’s cool, sure. I took a planes class in college—taught by the engineer behind the F-22 Raptor. It was a fun class. Planes and space and innovation are cool. The amount of testing those things go through to be prepared for flight is extensive. My professor used to constantly tell us how perfectly safe they are. Made us watch videos of…

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    Thoughts on the pandemic while trying not to think about the pandemic.

    It’s been difficult to come up with thoughts that aren’t about the pandemic or about what we’re all up to while staying home. It’s close to impossible to keep my mind on something unrelated. I’ve been making a lot of lists. “Ways I’ve been staying productive during work-from-home.” “Top ten movies to watch on lockdown.” “Best Brad Mondo ‘Hairdresser Reacts’ videos to make you laugh when you haven’t gone outside in a week.” “Ten things I’ve put in my cart to buy during lockdown, but have convinced myself not to.” “Ten things I DID buy during lockdown and whether or not I regret them.” “Top ten things to bake during…

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