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    Twenty-NOINE: Reflections on my aging.

    I  always loved the summer. Free from school, could finally read whatever I wanted (when I should’ve been cracking down on my summer reading list), sleeping in, staying up late. It was all so wonderful! Summer was my season until 2016, but you know all about that (if you’ve been around, I mean). Alas, I still manage to love summer for a few reasons, none of them being climate change and the number one of them being my birthday. For quite some time, I had a love-hate relationship with my birthday. It was once a countdown to the end, I thought so many times I’d just had my last one.…

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    If I were a main character, this is where I’d be: A London Post Pt 2

    [disclaimer: as I was traveling alone and am a woman, I chose to post this after I returned from England] I dunno if you know this, but I took this grand trip to England for my birthday. Let me tell you, what a way to ring in twenty-six! One of my pals from school is getting her PhD at Oxford, and she’s basically living my dream. When I planned this trip, I knew I wanted to try and see her, so when she was free this weekend, it felt perfect. Here’s the thing about my birthday: I don’t tell a lot of people about it. I have several close friends…

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