
Spring Tunes to Keep Your Spirits High

Things are absolutely wild right now. I’m not going to get into it, but I hope everyone is staying safe and staying home.

In this strange time of social distancing, working from home, and general madness, I’ve found myself being shockingly productive. I’m not solving the world’s problems or going so far as Marie Kondo-ing my life, but I’ve gotten a lot done in the past eight days. Finished an almost-final-ish draft of my WIP, dove into my next WIP full speed, read four and a half books, worked a full work week, and cleaned half my room (which, if you know me, you know I really can only do halves at a time). I also dyed my hair bright pink.

Normally, this would be a perfect opportunity for my depression and anxiety to ambush me, since I can’t leave my bedroom (save for dishes and heating my leftovers), but I’ve stayed weirdly motivated and happy. Don’t ask how, I really can’t give you a straight answer.

However, one of the big reasons, I think, that I’ve been able to get through my days is music! I’m a big music gal, and a lot of favorite artists of mine released new singles and albums within the past couple weeks. Music always helps my moods, and every season I curate a new playlist of new and old music. But it seems particularly important to me now to have something to keep me in a positive mindset. I just posted my Spring playlist, aptly titled “allergy season” (instead of something quarantine related), and I’m feeling really good about it!

Because we all need a little jamming in our lives right now, I thought I’d drop some fun tunes for Spring to keep your brain and your body moving. In no particular order, and not limited to, here are some of my favorites right now.

“Heartbreak Weather” by Niall Horan: Really, the whole album bops, but this one is such a groove!

“Feel You Now” by The Driver Era: Fun beats and sounds, great vocals, and easy to remember lyrics. Makes me want to get up and dance, for sure.

“For Real” by Mallrat: Thanks to my college roommate for this one that never fails to make me bop my head and feet.

“OK” by Wallows: They’re my favorite band, so you should just listen to them regardless.

“Stupid Love” by Lady Gaga: If you ever needed nostalgic Gaga in your life, this is the tune.

“Wish You Were Sober” by Conan Gray: Conan’s debut gives you the full range of emotions: happy, sad, angry, hopeful, wistful, and so on. This one is so much fun to listen to and makes me mad at an ex I don’t have.

“State of Grace” by Taylor Swift: This one makes me pretend to play every single instrument and sing all at once, and no other explanation is needed.

“hole in the bottle” by Kelsea Ballerini: This third album is good things all around, but this twangy jam has me twirling around my room with my favorite Cabernet. And yes, I do see the irony of having both this song and Conan Gray’s on the same playlist.

“No Shame” by 5 Seconds of Summer: I’m never not impressed by their new music. Watch the video for extra fun.

“Raining in London” by Anthony de la Torre, feat. Lana Condor: Listen if you want to pretend being a dramatic contemporary dancer. Also the whole EP is jam after jam.

“10/10” by Rex Orange County: Not a dance jam, but one of those wiggle in your seat grooves. Plus honest and relatable lyrics.